Wishing everyone a safe and fun summer vacation!! School resumes on August 25!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
We have some new staff to announce for for 2022-2023 school year! Welcome! We are excited to have you join our All City community! PE: James Borges Art: Brittany Lormis Resource: Sydney Jones Part-time Clerical: Kathy Horstman Principal: Jennifer Van Duyn All City First Grade: Jenny Joffer (see picture for additional information)
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Jenny J
Last day of school is always a special day! This year we had our annual carnival again with some slight changes due to the rainy weather, but it was still a blast! Students got to rotate to six different stations for about 20 minutes at a time. First station was bat dizzy while carrying ping pong balls with a ladle and then toilet paper ring toss. Second station was tattoos, chopstix nuts and bolts, and decorate Thunder Road donated balls. Third station was Candy Cloud Factory cotton candy with Wreck It Ralph Movie. Fourth and fifth stations were carnival games and bouncy horses from Dakota Entertainment and Bounce Around. The sixth station was 'Junk in the Trunk' minute it to win it game, Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Cups game, and cup stacking. The kids had so much fun! Thank you to Donna Stolz for organizing this event and lining up the volunteers and sponsors. Thank you to the parents who run each station: Clay, Austin, Collene, Anthony, Jacki, Gloria, Heidi, Jill, Dana, and Sarah! Thanks to the other parents scheduled that day that also helped in anyway! Thanks also to our sponsors who donated items for the kids to use! Big thanks to Thunder Road, Bounce Around Inflatables, Dakota Entertainment, Macs Hardware, Office Depot, and Phnom Penh. What a fun way to end our year together!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Happy last day of school! We hug our students a little tighter today! We love and cherish our students at ACE! We will miss their smiling faces in the hallway until we see them again in the fall! Thank you for the amazing memories from this 2021-2022 school year! Thank you for working hard! Thank you for being good leaders! Thank you for being you! Thanks parents/volunteers for all you do! You are the best! Have a wonderful summer! Stay safe! Have fun!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
last day
Last day
last day
last day
Kindergartners said their final good-byes to the year surrounded by family and friends as they sang their hearts out during their kindergarten graduation program on May 24. Mrs. Pike creates an amazing slideshow of memories from the year and works so hard all year to prepare these kids for first grade. We are so lucky to have Mrs. Pike as our kindergarten teacher here at ACE! She’s the best! Great job today kindergartners with your program! It has been so awesome to watch you grow and develop throughout the year! We are so proud of you! Thank you kindergarten parents for all of your help in and out of the classroom!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
K grad
K grad
K grad
K grad
The last ‘Family’ time of the year was the annual kickball game with family versus family. This year four families matched up with Leloux vs. Nelson and Gray vs. Williams (kindergarten had graduation and 2nd was on a field trip). Everyone had fun learning the rules of kickball, showing good sportsmanship, and playing in the sand. Thank you to all of the students for working hard and showing great leadership during Family time.
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Mrs. William’s first graders took their last field trip of the year to the Butterfly House and Aquarium on May 23. They had so much learning about butterflies, exploring the aquarium, traveling the trails at the Outdoor Campus, and did some coloring pages. Thanks to the parents who drove and chaperoned. We are thankful for our parent volunteers so we can go on field trips like this!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
butterfly house
Miss Leloux’s third graders worked on their paper mache piggies after reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ in class together. They made little baby runt piglets like Wilbur in the book! This is a fun tradition for third graders to end the year! Each child got to name their new pet pig too! Thank you to all of the parents who helped prepare the pigs and assisted with the paper mache project! It was a lot of fun!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Charlotte’s Web
Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! The kindergartners took their last field trip of the year with Mrs. Pike on May 23rd to the Great Plains Zoo. Kids and parents had a great time exploring the zoo together. Thanks to all of the parents who drove and helped out! What a great memory to end their kindergarten year!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Mrs. Pike's kindergarteners had an exciting day when they released their classroom butterflies out into the world! The smiles on their faces says it all! Kindergarteners learned about the butterfly life cycle and watched their own caterpillars turn into butterflies! So cool!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
The annual end of the year Tug-of-War event was held during Family time on May 23rd. There are three rounds of competition. First round was kindergarten versus 1st grade. Second round was 2nd grade versus 3rd grade. Final round was 4th grade versus 5th grade. In the end, 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade were victorious! It is always lots of fun to watch them compete! Lots of fun!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
1st vs Kindergarten
2nd vs 3rd
4th vs 5th
May 20th marked our last Kids Care activity for the year. Kids Care is an opportunity for students to give back to their community. Kristen Benidt is our parent leader in charge and she does a great job of working with these organizations to set up these volunteer opportunities. This month students were able to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald House, Lifescape, Downtown Library, St. Francis House, Outdoor Campus, and clean up the school neighborhood. Students may be asked to help clean, play games with the residents, and help pick up trash. Thank you, Kristen, for all of your efforts in getting Kids Care ready each month! What a great opportunity for ACE kids to give back to their community!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Kids Care
Downtown Library
Mrs. William's 1st graders got to go the Washington Pavilion on May 20th! They had fun exploring each floor! They even got to go to the Cinedome Theater and had a special science experiment lesson! Thanks to all of the families who helped chaperone and drove! So much fun!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Washington Pavilion
1st Field Trip
Washington Pavilion
Almost every Thursday, we have "School Store" run by our 4th and 5th graders. The Rock family is our parent leaders for School Store and they help prepare for the store each week by buying supplies, getting punch cards ready, and setting up and organizing the store with Thursday parent help. Students who are the cashiers work on dealing with change/punch cards, taking orders, being courteous to their patrons, and working with a smile! The money raised each week goes towards the end of the year trip for the 4th/5th grade students! Thank you to everyone who supported the school store this year by purchasing treats/snacks, to the Rock family for all of their time and invest into getting it ready each week, and to the Thursday parents who help with set up and making popcorn!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
School Store
School Store
Last staff meeting for the Jane Addams was yummy and fun! Life Church provided us with delicious Bundt cakes and treats! They have been so good to us this year with monthly staff treats! Thank you!! Mrs. Cabrera ended our meeting with a demonstration on her gelli printing tools she received from an Education Foundation grant and staff got a crack at showing off their artistic side! Fun way to end our year! Be sure to come to the art show tonight starting at 6:30!! The kids worked very hard this year in art and will miss Mrs. Cabrera next year!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
fun art
gelli prints
Life Church
We hope to see everyone at our Welcome/Farewell/Art Show tomorrow! We look forward to honoring our 5th grade families who will be leaving us at the end of this year. We are thankful for your many years of service to the ACE community!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
art show
The 2nd graders got to do some fun Drumfit workouts in music class today with Mrs. Anderson! Exercise and music is the perfect combo! So much fun!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
The 1st and 2nd graders took advantage of the beautiful day to read outside in our new Outdoor Classroom area!! So nice out!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Earlier this year, the Sioux Falls Public Schools Education Foundation promoted to the community to sponsor a tree to be planted at each school in celebration of the Sioux Falls School District being a '150 Years Strong.' Our tree was gifted from the Aguilar-Pizer Family and Knobloch Drywall earlier this year and it has grown so much since the beginning of the dedication. Thank you for sponsoring our tree on our new playground for all to enjoy for the years to come!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
150 Years Strong
Fall 2021
Spring 22
Spring 22
Our Compliment Card Bulletin Board is full again! Way to go, kids! Students can earn a card by doing a positive behavior following our PBIS behavior system! We focus on these three B's: "Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe!" We also added in "Be You!" Now, teachers and students get to decide together what they would like to do as a reward! Nice job!
over 2 years ago, All City Elementary
Three B's
Compliment Card
Compliment Card Board