Every year on the last day of school All City finalizes the year with an all-school assembly with parents and family to celebrate all of the success of the students throughout the year!
K-2 teachers started off by highlighting positive accomplishments their students made throughout the year by awarding certificates and promotions to the next grade! 3rd-5th grade teachers gave out awards for volunteering in the Kids Care program. Other awards handed out were for band, orchestra, gifted program, attendance, character awards, academic achievements, specials teachers gave awards in PE, music, library, and art, and student council. We have a lot to be proud of at ACE!
Another part of our program includes giving the Nancy Plato award. This award is in honor of one of the first All City teachers, Nancy Plato and was started in 1999. Each year, this award is given to an individual who has exhibited exceptional service and dedication to the All City community. This year's recipient was Heidi Williams (current All City first grade teacher) who was so deserving! Mrs. Williams has worked at All City for 11 years and is one of the best educators around. She will be moving on next year to Lowell Elementary to be an assistant principal. She will be missed dearly, but we are excited for her next adventure!
At the end of the program, the All City and Elementary Immersion students surprised Mrs. Hannemann with a song they sang directed by Mrs. Anderson in honor of her retirement. The ACE PTO and Jane Addams staff surprised Mrs. Hannemann with a framed art piece made by Mrs. Cabrera earlier in the year and framed by Prints and Repeat (thank you!), flowers, a slideshow video of memories of Mrs. H, and a special scrapbook made from all of the families at All City. There will be additional gifts given in the future! All of these gestures were a great way to honor her one more time on her last day as our principal. She is one special lady who will be missed! We are excited for her to begin her retirement officially in about a month! Thank you, Mrs. Hannemann, for your years of dedication and service to this Jane Addams community! We love ya!
Finally, to end the program in tradition, the fifth graders line up one last time to say their final good-byes to the K-4th graders! This brings about many emotions as these kids become such good friends throughout the years and are so close! We are sad to see them go, but excited to see what the future holds for them! Go shine 5th graders! Don't forget to come back and visit us! We will miss you!